deleted An introduction to 5G: The Tech, The Hype, The Danger - And How to Protect Your ENTIRE HOME!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:06:09 everywhere from what i'm hearing spacex


@00:00:14 the big game-changer is that 5g will use
@00:00:52 5g build-out is going to be very
@00:01:26 of the gate and that is why 5g is a
@00:01:43 studying what 5g should be or how it
@00:02:31 make available for 5g currently have
@00:02:51 5g is going to become run the other way
@00:03:09 reject the notion that the 5g future
@00:03:16 areas the 5g you revolution will touch
@00:04:06 going to obviously talk about the 5g
@00:04:40 5g technology which is rolling out
@00:04:58 your home from things like 5g and wi-fi
@00:05:08 things about 5g one it is ultra high
@00:06:15 satellites that will beam 5g to every
@00:08:24 electric it's about the 5g
@00:08:34 of what 5g is you should know by now
@00:11:01 is what 5g proposes to use impacted the
@00:11:46 about by 5g their study conducted on e
@00:12:44 plant health one of the features of 5g
@00:13:29 are that 5g will be particularly harmful
@00:13:38 of the 5g global wireless network
@00:13:42 deploy satellites for 5g these
@00:15:33 radiations 5g will be adding to the
@00:15:36 effects of this electrosmog most 5g
@00:15:39 studies are misleading number 11 5g will
@00:15:47 moskowitz points out most 5g studies are
@00:19:11 it will be available on the 5g page of
@00:21:04 your entire home from 5g and you know
@00:29:49 98% in all directions now my 5g paint
@00:31:13 the 5g issue the smart meter issue the
@00:38:18 anti 5g experimentation here if you're
@00:38:33 that this is for the the 5g test video


@00:04:23 is it isaac is it you know related to