US Congressman Believe Assad Guilty Before UN Investigates - Episode 737b
from X22Report
uploaded on Aug 08, 2015
@00:21:48 know uranium was trying to be smuggled
William Barr
@00:01:58 they'll be an rfid chip they'll be a bar
false flag
@00:21:13 called a false flag where they pretend
North Korea
@00:01:49 shared with mexico with canada i'll have
Saudi Arabia
@00:09:40 saudi arabia right now is basically
@00:13:42 but interestingly out of all this saudi
@00:13:47 arabia is coming out
@00:13:54 resolve the crisis in his country saudi
@00:13:58 arabia said they will stop supporting
@00:14:55 just from the statement from saudi
@00:14:56 arabia we know but there was a partially