Michigan AG Goes Full Psycho - Trump Attack Is Beyond TDS!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:01:58 things coronavirus coronavirus and
@00:02:01 coronavirus that's all they care about
@00:03:25 democrats held another fake coronavirus
@00:03:30 to focus only on coronavirus and by the


@00:15:12 intelligence committee brennan how can

Deep state

@00:06:02 deep state and it wasn't for the us
@00:06:56 greatest president ever so the deep
@00:06:58 state rolls out this attorney general
@00:13:15 first you deep state judge yes explain


@00:14:24 how congress passed fisa and seventy
@00:14:36 proponents of fisa likely never imagined
@00:15:52 collusion as fisa is about to kick off


@00:06:07 the military people like general flynn
@00:13:03 explain himself for not dropping flynn