The World Is Being Distracted On Purpose, Here's Why - Episode 1318b

from X22Report



@00:14:39 you have china you have iran you have
@00:20:58 china well they're not going to like


@00:14:39 you have china you have iran you have
@00:24:12 in syria trump is letting iran and assad
@00:24:29 they want to go after iran they want to

Deep state

@00:08:50 deep state the neocons of the central
@00:14:10 means the deep state well they're
@00:21:17 whatever the deep state was trying to do
@00:21:35 happening here is that the deep state
@00:22:38 tensions everywhere while the deep state
@00:23:42 happening now we know that the deep
@00:23:45 state is not happy with what trump is
@00:24:05 deep state well they're not very happy
@00:24:37 we look at the deep state you have to
@00:25:01 deep state and if you really look at the
@00:25:31 remove the deep state and this process
@00:25:41 deep state they're completely backed
@00:26:01 that this is the end of the deep state

false flag

@00:18:07 you're going to have a false flag you
@00:20:27 with the false flag what is trump going

North Korea

@00:12:24 very interesting out in north korea
@00:12:35 assassinate north korean leader kim
@00:12:47 change in north korea back in 2015 now
@00:13:11 considered staging a coup in north korea
@00:13:21 change in north korea i think they were
@00:13:29 north korea is out there saying that
@00:13:48 north korea but it looks like this


@00:15:28 country and they can show your proof
@00:15:29 without having any proof they could just