1.29 - Memo to Release Today?/Current Indictment Count/CEOs Resigning

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:07:34 map go check this map out and what i'm


@00:02:32 really been tracking those indictments
@00:03:24 these indictments are growing guys and
@00:03:30 these indictments real why are there so
@00:03:57 thousand sealed indictments and his name
@00:04:12 9,000 sealed indictments and he's
@00:04:57 confirmations of these indictments being
@00:15:35 talked about the indictments


@00:02:24 on twitter his handle has da martin 32
@00:03:46 or a que illuminati on twitter he does
@00:04:04 on mark ruskin's twitter page here what


@00:12:55 nationalize the 5g network and i do not
@00:13:06 administration 5g is something that is
@00:13:15 wi-fi and especially 5g 5g is going to
@00:13:20 as this small graphic here shows 5g is
@00:13:42 a nationwide 5g network within three
@00:13:56 the wi-fi 4g 5g and we can we can bring
@00:15:06 wants to nationalize 5g which is all for

false flag

@00:01:53 there's no false flag or anything that's


@00:15:48 resignations i'm sure we'll be seeing a