OptoGenetics remote mind control via GM drugs. Q anon Dig

from Amazing Polly


Deep state

@00:05:41 the theme so i'm including it deep state


@00:02:51 power of influence does twitter facebook
@00:16:21 facebook twitter and reddit half on all


@00:08:05 parkland guy hogg whatever and all the


@00:21:18 because vaccines also spread through


@00:01:01 project maybe even 5g i haven't even
@00:01:04 looked into 5g but it does probably play
@00:38:35 5g what is with the led light bulbs what


@00:00:58 have covered this mkultra harp the haarp
@00:01:30 you know anything about mkultra or
@00:05:01 stanford is tied to mkultra experiments
@00:12:52 mkultra conditioning and the technology
@00:13:40 mkultra everybody had to be wired to
@00:15:09 were doing with mkultra and sci up mind
@00:27:17 of research as mkultra and you remember