[2.13] LIVE: Big Tech Problems / Recent Q / Vaccine Hysteria

from Destroying the Illusion


Bill Gates

@00:43:24 foundation do work with the gates
@00:43:26 foundation melinda bill gates foundation

Deep state

@00:03:38 know deep state or twitter accounts
@00:11:32 for the deep state which is why we're
@00:24:54 media the deep state propaganda it
@00:27:21 remember this deep state you know nazis
@00:27:24 just being a faction of the deep state
@00:27:47 you know the the deep state the top of


@00:00:59 his twitter handle below so give him
@00:01:06 channels and twitter accounts and
@00:01:17 link his twitter below john muruga and
@00:01:37 if you want i'll link her twitter below
@00:02:13 her twitter below so thanks to those
@00:02:33 on our instagram or twitter so either
@00:02:54 problems what's been going on on twitter
@00:03:20 on twitter where post of theirs were
@00:03:35 lot of politicians twitter accounts you
@00:03:38 know deep state or twitter accounts
@00:03:53 twitter suppression i saw the same thing
@00:05:43 facebook and twitter here but
@00:09:07 twitter so near the new york times so
@00:44:10 on youtube and make twitter threats for


@00:01:56 vaccine will talk a lot about vaccines
@00:12:20 sweeteners fluoride vaccines talk more
@00:12:24 about vaccines and mit here i got a lot
@00:12:28 coming probably today just on vaccines
@00:12:32 as well you want vaccines in you they
@00:16:41 everything they tell you that vaccines
@00:16:46 vaccines and this all would have been
@00:17:32 they themselves produced so do vaccines
@00:17:39 told about vaccines in the mainstream
@00:17:52 terms of okay they say vaccines prevent
@00:20:41 onto vaccines you know does novo genex
@00:21:31 going around about all those vaccines
@00:22:53 lot of people say this that vaccines
@00:23:01 vaccines were safe in the beginning and
@00:23:06 corruption occurred and vaccines to be
@00:23:24 case in vaccines were actually never
@00:23:35 vaccines decades ago this was like the
@00:23:37 very first polio vaccines injected into
@00:24:24 off that than the vaccines and these
@00:24:31 vaccines
@00:24:31 even introduced then the vaccines were
@00:24:46 and tried to say oh as vaccines that
@00:25:00 vaccines don't cause autism correlation
@00:25:10 correlation between vaccines and the
@00:25:20 with vaccines actually reducing disease
@00:28:12 vaccines was that from the top was there
@00:28:47 municipal water now so no vaccines when
@00:29:09 discussing vaccines it said vaccines but
@00:29:11 it said not all okay not all vaccines
@00:30:12 that they say vaccines are for you see
@00:30:15 the way they say vaccines are for is you
@00:30:56 what they say vaccines are supposed to
@00:31:08 system people who get these vaccines
@00:31:12 diseases wow do vaccines really work
@00:33:34 allergies a lot of these vaccines are
@00:34:04 vaccines they use egg proteins to
@00:34:47 lack of vaccines it's a fact that we are
@00:36:57 lack of vaccines shoot look at the amish
@00:37:07 they don't give vaccines rates of autism
@00:37:41 vaccines should i get i think my mom is
@00:38:44 on reddit because he wanted vaccines he
@00:45:07 so example here with vaccines
@00:45:23 from pharmaceutical vaccines to free


@00:26:26 the media complex operation mockingbird