Trump Signals Us / Psychological Warfare / Q-Anon Postings

from TRUreporting



@00:06:12 is talking about how john f kennedy was


@00:09:56 subscribers twitter followers lost a lot
@00:09:58 of a lot a lot of twitter handle
@00:14:20 his twitter so cnn is calling the kid a
@00:16:51 okay here's another twitter post john


@00:15:02 think it was today with trump parkland
@00:16:19 right here just more the same parkland
@00:16:58 shows the parkland school resource


@00:04:41 off his q or q delta or q plus it was
@00:05:19 into these q posts 798 delta kill kill
@00:25:56 delta yeah delta six confirmed so i know
@00:26:01 people said that camp delta is a prison
@00:26:10 so they said delta six confirmation it