Raise The False Flag For The Next Event -- Episode 66

from X22Report



@00:27:13 this country from china from the syrians


@00:06:01 preparing war with iran they're
@00:06:47 you know syria has chemical weapons iran
@00:07:43 in syria and in iran they want the
@00:27:15 from iran from you know russia it


@00:12:28 twitter accounts belong to the news

false flag

@00:00:32 the false flag for the next event as we
@00:00:47 being set up for a false flag coming
@00:14:07 perfect storm of false flag events it
@00:21:11 2013 false flag insider warning now this
@00:22:39 staged false flag attack now i find this
@00:25:07 so many things that this false flag can
@00:25:37 know that a false flag is imminent now
@00:27:37 it into the false flag section so this

North Korea

@00:27:18 doesn't really matter north korea so