DTI News 4.20 - Govt. Admits Electronic Mind Control/QAnon/COMEY Downfall/WEINER's Laptop

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:14:03 douche bag and mccain mccabe here


@00:14:03 douche bag and mccain mccabe here


@00:15:39 aren't they and then still on comey
@00:15:42 check this out comey if i could change
@00:16:04 and now right here still on comey so
@00:16:14 comey fired fbi director says trump is


@00:03:42 sessions involved in investigating slush

Deep state

@00:01:32 wondering why the deep state if it was
@00:11:25 take out the proxies the deep state and
@00:16:11 the popcorn there is a deep state says


@00:02:55 twitter that has been odd some people
@00:03:02 channel twitter claiming no we just post
@00:03:09 i follow that twitter handle but i don't

Seth Rich

@00:12:53 out about seth rich in vegas so q's
@00:12:56 saying seth rich connected to dnc ms-13
@00:13:04 minute here seth rich is the one that


@00:02:12 delta
@00:02:24 plane another plane that was a delta
@00:20:45 going through delta theta alpha beta

Inspector General

@00:15:12 justice department inspector general

North Korea

@00:08:51 in north korea in the past
@00:09:06 north korea i don't think she was
@00:09:20 to north korea will make heads roll why
@00:17:21 here south korea's moon says north korea
@00:17:27 which now that north korea's strings


@00:14:43 prosecuted a guy named rothschild with
@00:14:48 rothschild but she prosecuted rothschild