[7.25] Live: Coffee, Q & UFOs

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:36:31 nasa projects and stuff and like other

Deep state

@00:12:10 deep state


@00:00:26 you would be able to find him on twitter
@00:00:28 but he's not on twitter anymore
@00:02:49 twitter account on wayfair
@00:04:10 twitter really
@00:04:21 you know one thing though twitter said
@00:07:02 twitter with a couple of them
@00:10:24 twitter uh don't know if he's ever seen
@00:11:44 controlled oppos on twitter that act
@00:12:15 have a twitter account period or not
@00:17:52 he's got 220 000 followers on twitter
@00:18:03 timeline on twitter
@00:19:55 tweets on twitter it's the stupidest
@00:22:15 twitter account yeah that one twitter
@00:22:30 twitter i'm going to be tweeting till i
@00:32:26 i just saw it on twitter


@00:43:50 the underground the conspiracies


@00:22:04 accident that general flynn


@00:34:02 to be like a proof