Plans Are In Place To Take Down The Entire Central Banking Apparatus - Episode 1671a

from X22Report



@00:07:25 it seems that russia china brazil india


@00:01:53 we have george soros he has asked the
@00:02:06 to kill the brexit deal the soros back
@00:02:36 soros back group best for britain said
@00:02:48 avenue available to them now soros also
@00:02:59 they received the support from soros
@00:11:44 soros is trying to push his agenda the

Deep state

@00:02:26 very long time every time these deep
@00:02:28 state operatives the central bank comes
@00:06:20 central bank and the deep state have
@00:08:46 psychology on the deep straight the deep
@00:08:49 state the mainstream media to make them
@00:09:40 many years with the deep state the
@00:11:02 the deep state the globalists those days
@00:11:15 central bank in the deep state well it's