The Economy Breaks Down As The Transitional Shift Is Quietly Being Implemented - Episode 1348a

from X22Report



@00:12:57 to launch trade war with china and
@00:13:13 china who do you think is going to be
@00:13:49 in china now if the united states goes
@00:14:00 and china decides to follow through and
@00:14:34 hurt china china has the rest of the
@00:15:08 china produces they can outlast the
@00:15:33 from china he's going to force everyone
@00:15:39 because he knows china is going to

Deep state

@00:07:46 deep state the central bank's continue
@00:16:39 bank the deep state and it pretty much
@00:18:33 course the deep state what they're doing