Kickbacks Of Millions Of Dollars Have Been Officially Cut Off From The [deepstate] :coded:

from TRUreporting



@00:01:10 illegal drug trafficking cash and
@00:03:23 drug trafficking cash and kickbacks from
@00:05:16 happens to be a major trafficking route

William Barr

@00:02:54 go to the search bar in youtube and type

Deep state

@00:01:04 true pundit calm the deep state vows
@00:03:18 from true pundit deep state vows payback
@00:04:01 crook politicians in deep state pockets
@00:04:11 fuming for years it is alleged deep
@00:04:14 state players have been ranking raking
@00:05:06 frustrated deep state players as payback
@00:05:29 sabotaged a golden goose for the deep
@00:05:31 state knowingly or not with the deep
@00:05:33 state dogging trump with faux scandals
@00:05:44 dollars that politicians and their deep
@00:05:46 state connections are lining their

Spirit cooking

@00:14:07 your left hand eat the pain spirit
@00:14:10 cooking right we're all aware of what
@00:14:14 duckduckgo spirit cooking maria


@00:16:19 channel you can follow me on twitter at


@00:09:40 production underground with southeastern

Saudi Arabia

@00:05:17 for syrian drug distribution to saudi
@00:05:20 arabia united arab emirates in iraq some
@00:10:51 east in saudi arabia the pill which