deleted Maga Update 3.17.18 - Mccabe Fired, Russia catches US training syrian chemical false flaggers

from Dustin Nemos



@00:00:36 mccabe actually did to get fired so many
@00:00:56 president trump i mean mccabe was
@00:03:00 that mccabe was caught called out and
@00:03:19 as well all right now mccabe is busted
@00:03:22 and he's linking mccabe and called me
@00:03:48 hill that quote mr mccabe and his
@00:04:32 to say about mccabe that's relevant to
@00:16:03 struck and mccabe and and lisa page and

Red Cross

@00:13:17 the red cross or to the susan g komen


@00:01:13 memos dealing with trump just like comey


@00:15:52 ago but for some reason sessions is okay

Deep state

@00:18:10 deep state and although you may already


@00:02:32 and it's all over twitter with many of
@00:18:21 things on twitter they're dropping hints


@00:13:56 like autism and vaccines links like that

false flag

@00:08:23 training syrian militants to use false
@00:08:25 flag chemical attacks obviously the


@00:09:50 underground base in syria which is just

North Korea

@00:09:48 i have also heard north korea has a