Not Afraid - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.2.20

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:13:57 and us attorney john durham i believe
@00:15:02 the investigation for a bar in durham
@00:19:34 ag and rogers meeting durham and rogers
@00:21:08 us attorney john durham on multiple
@00:21:27 with durham for quite some time
@00:21:39 that durham was really the focus all
@00:21:41 this time right durham was the boat that
@00:22:16 once this durham investigation actually


@00:23:55 of john f kennedy is dead rest in peace


@00:14:43 connections between ship and soros soros

William Barr

@00:13:55 probably attorney general william bar
@00:15:02 the investigation for a bar in durham


@00:17:14 october 2016 we had another fisa
@00:17:28 through this october 2016 fisa requests


@00:19:20 another qed proof here and
@00:22:24 proof one three seven so if you've got

Saudi Arabia

@00:24:32 drops regarding saudi arabia national