The Government Is Pushing Mobile Free Gun Zones -- Episode 192

from X22Report



@00:06:32 its output from its china plants by
@00:11:26 china has already downgraded the us and
@00:11:42 bonds just as a safety net now china is
@00:12:04 china has just entered into a very large
@00:12:16 dollar china signed a major currency
@00:12:21 china has made an agreement with kenya
@00:12:23 to be a clearinghouse for the yuan china
@00:12:32 from the us dollar china is purchasing
@00:12:53 one later on and what is china doing now
@00:12:58 well china is now going to purchase jp
@00:25:02 china iran syria north korea brazil it
@00:33:38 china is making deals and moving forward


@00:25:02 china iran syria north korea brazil it
@00:34:02 iran and syria and they couldn't do it
@00:34:10 iran the us relieving the sanctions on
@00:34:14 iran i discussed this in my other
@00:34:16 reports iran and syria are looking to

false flag

@00:23:22 syrian chemical false flag was
@00:23:48 they are preparing for the next false
@00:23:50 flag to get this event started and we
@00:24:47 starts something and this false flag
@00:33:23 false flag events to really get the

North Korea

@00:25:02 china iran syria north korea brazil it

Saudi Arabia

@00:24:06 saudi arabia and the united arab
@00:25:42 is this headed for saudi arabia than to
@00:25:52 that saudi arabia was pushing weapons