Q Anon/News - Pull On This Thread - 1.4.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:10:00 that's inspector horowitz right and then
@00:10:32 all along right horowitz
@00:10:35 and huber now remember horowitz and
@00:21:28 michael horowitz in utah us attorney
@00:25:23 interviews with ig michael horowitz and


@00:12:07 mccabe and then of course he would have
@00:14:31 andrew mccabe interesting he adds no
@00:14:37 andrew mccabe have been fired from the
@00:20:24 lynch peter struck andrew mccabe bill
@00:23:22 yates and andrew mccabe and john brennan


@00:20:30 stefan halper and john mccain plus or


@00:26:31 i've got a thread on china that i would


@00:08:07 straw i'm not really sure john brennan
@00:11:36 agency cia john brennan yeah likely look
@00:12:52 cia john brennan yeah likely james
@00:18:11 brennan by the way and connected with
@00:18:16 clean photo of john brennan right here
@00:20:46 brennan the cia and named in new york
@00:21:04 course john brennan has been outwardly
@00:21:09 here john brennan
@00:21:10 knew about all of this and john brennan
@00:23:22 yates and andrew mccabe and john brennan
@00:23:26 james comey loretta lynch yates brennan


@00:20:04 rue soros bosses were doj attorney
@00:23:01 jim jordan soros replied calm calm isn't


@00:07:41 from this bruce or confirmed that comey
@00:07:51 trump comey traveled to the uk with two
@00:09:55 and so you see potus james comey bowness
@00:09:57 james comey potus james comey then we
@00:10:17 singh james comey 'he's got to go and
@00:11:49 thrown under the bus by comey he was
@00:12:22 pre-snap even came out and said comey is
@00:12:34 when nagasaki all over on comey
@00:14:27 against james comey former fbi director
@00:14:34 both former fbi director james comey and
@00:14:53 coms with james comey lynch is being
@00:20:21 name james comey sally yates loretta
@00:23:20 being james comey loretta lynch sally
@00:23:26 james comey loretta lynch yates brennan


@00:08:47 hubert was tapped by sessions to


@00:01:39 over here on the twitter threat of greg
@00:01:41 roubini are you bi and i at twitter and
@00:01:44 if you are on twitter i highly suggest
@00:21:54 again greg rubini on twitter fantastic
@00:26:24 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's ipo t 1776


@00:04:31 lie to the fisa judges to spy on
@00:04:47 get fisa warrants and it says here a
@00:04:55 conspired to willfully lie to the fisa
@00:05:37 applications being the fisa court and
@00:06:23 the renewals of the fisa applications
@00:06:31 fisa d class right and we had some of it
@00:08:49 investigate the fisa abuses well he's
@00:13:15 illegal fisa warrant they all know but
@00:15:31 the fisa application bruce or hinted
@00:16:42 the fisa judges yeah


@00:15:59 same judge that accepted the flynn plea
@00:16:14 get flynn to not plead guilty yet flynn
@00:16:29 information and why is flynn so adamant
@00:17:31 she's royally screwed flynn should be

Five Eyes

@00:18:37 services of the five eyes being you know
@00:18:45 gchq and mi6 five eyes well the horse's


@00:08:15 that ig and huber have had several
@00:08:45 john huber hasn't either even though
@00:08:47 hubert was tapped by sessions to
@00:08:53 huber wright a lot of you've been asking
@00:10:27 couple more since then obviously hubert
@00:10:35 and huber now remember horowitz and
@00:10:38 huber are not tasked with trump russia
@00:11:02 came out saying that huber isn't doing
@00:21:30 john huber there you go so we've talked
@00:25:18 about us attorney john huber source
@00:25:25 us attorney john huber separate from his