deleted 8.5-6.18 !!! CENS0RSH1P is H3RE! QUE & Trumqp PREPARED! BOOM !!! JUST QUE WATCH!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:08:21 gate fake news called john mccain hero


@00:16:06 are hours before trump restores the iran
@00:16:08 sanctions the leader in iran irani says
@00:16:16 tweet i said hey north korea called iran
@00:25:35 with iran potus little over the world on


@00:16:53 trafficking arrests you've got people


@00:09:44 coordinated attack the soros backed


@00:16:46 indictments you've got cute proofs calm
@00:27:01 thank sealed indictments count over

Deep state

@00:20:33 gonna defy the crap out of the deep
@00:20:34 state okay now where we go one we go all


@00:06:06 even like you know small twitter image
@00:11:04 facebook and twitter are going to

Pizza gate

@00:08:19 sorry quote jack pasaba called pizza
@00:08:21 gate fake news called john mccain hero
@00:08:25 flip-flopped on pizza gate and cue he


@00:13:17 declassify the remaining doj fisa
@00:23:59 is the fisa stuff okay so the the memo

North Korea

@00:16:14 just another north korea i put out a
@00:16:16 tweet i said hey north korea called iran
@00:25:33 with north korea potus will cause war
@00:25:40 would rather see north korea peace


@00:27:03 45,000 fake resignations of ceos
@00:27:09 resignations or thousands think
@00:27:10 resignations of senators of congress