Paul_Serran Thread: Global Trafficking SpiderWebs

from TRUreporting



@00:02:18 closed china closed russia closed cuba
@00:07:57 state hub access in china was also


@00:02:13 accidents closed epstein island access


@00:00:42 global child trafficking networks spider
@00:01:24 networks of child trafficking and how it
@00:04:59 effect of stopping child trafficking
@00:06:53 trafficking where access were was closed
@00:07:09 for child trafficking and this is just
@00:08:31 lanes of sex child trafficking so
@00:09:14 trafficking in persons specifically
@00:09:23 the elimination of trafficking and it is

Red Cross

@00:05:33 to top haiti red cross classified

Deep state

@00:07:51 enslaved under a you know a ci a deep
@00:07:57 state hub access in china was also
@00:08:36 because the deep state from within is


@00:00:35 twitter thread from paul saran it is
@00:11:52 work on twitter will always be free

North Korea

@00:02:15 closed haiti access closed north korea
@00:07:25 to north korea see how bc's chair and
@00:07:28 that of the former north korean leader
@00:07:42 administrations and the north korea

Saudi Arabia

@00:02:09 children so we can see saudi arabia
@00:02:28 saudi arabia us push libya access
@00:02:45 with access closed the kingdom of saudi
@00:02:47 arabia look at this picture of the
@00:02:52 saudi king see how their chairs rest
@00:03:26 drop 75 that saudi arabia was a in quote
@00:03:33 these activities what is saudi arabia
@00:03:40 else is relevant with saudi arabia safe
@00:04:09 and saudi arabia references hillary
@00:04:11 clinton in wonderland saudi arabia the
@00:05:01 activities in saudi arabia is detailed
@00:05:29 slayed by the raids in saudi arabia