Q Anon/News - Be Ready - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 7.23.19

from In Pursuit of Truth


Human trafficking

@00:15:17 comes down to human trafficking tunnels


@00:13:48 pedophilia child trafficking satan
@00:15:17 comes down to human trafficking tunnels


@00:03:07 ready james comey be ready traitors one
@00:03:26 comey that we know is going to come out
@00:20:33 wonder if james nobody's home he comey


@00:02:50 sessions to curb the probe the dangling
@00:13:24 it being jeff sessions of course we

William Barr

@00:04:56 bill bar i'm not so sure bill bar is our
@00:13:27 bar but i tend to think that one of the
@00:17:54 big deal and of course then ag bar can


@00:04:30 to the hour of 10 we get this twitter
@00:04:32 link right yeah takes you to the twitter
@00:05:17 anonymous post this twitter link right
@00:05:19 here to alex wayne's twitter and then
@00:05:21 the link down here is the actual twitter
@00:13:42 three we get another twitter link right
@00:15:42 the hour of for yet another twitter link
@00:15:54 on twitter and she looks like she filmed
@00:25:58 over here at twitter at ip ot 1776
@00:26:07 joining twitter if you are not that's
@00:26:15 stuff on twitter so if you are a twitter
@00:26:18 twitter this is kind of where it's all
@00:26:24 down so won't you join me at twitter at

false flag

@00:19:00 talking about a possible incoming false
@00:19:02 flag or if this is just to show your


@00:03:36 predicting fisa d-class because it's


@00:09:48 originally worked with flynn and
@00:11:22 by the former dia director mike flynn
@00:11:25 flynn resigned as national security
@00:11:28 like flynn : wat nick has been critical
@00:12:13 ezra cohen watt nick was a top flynn guy
@00:12:16 flynn was real high on this guy and
@00:12:53 being so close to flynn and having the