TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show WITH REDPILL78

from TRUreporting



@00:50:27 you know megan mccain made that comment


@00:42:45 go to q map and they've got they've got


@00:12:38 wouldn't see epstein on trial you


@00:40:47 numbers of here we go of the indictments
@00:40:54 indictments oh wow great one hundred
@00:41:34 california has over 17,000 indictments
@00:42:00 indictments there we go i see it on the
@00:42:25 there are no sealed indictments well
@00:42:47 the indictments there to my my buddy
@00:43:14 with all of the the indictments and then

Deep state

@00:05:42 deep state and we're seeing the
@00:12:13 and painful for the deep state would you
@00:17:39 full-blown you know deep state right
@00:34:42 dropping basically the moab on the deep
@00:34:45 state and you know once that takes place


@00:21:05 follow her on twitter at lavender lives
@00:30:35 twitter guys please follow him he's i
@00:30:43 on twitter the i don't know how he does

Seth Rich

@00:20:57 seth rich says always a good night spent


@00:08:27 class fisa and then that's it


@00:42:51 website he's got all the resignations on