The LEAD IN, Ukraine, RC, These People are SICK!

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:33:19 made to the doj about andrew mccabe more
@00:33:51 into mccabe that had been meeting for


@00:41:43 kennedy was assassinated so there's an


@00:35:33 uranium one russian moles massive


@00:17:13 co-founder and cto of crowdstrike where


@00:38:12 now thanks to sessions and others they
@00:40:57 about sessions dropping the hammer the

William Barr

@00:33:16 attorney general bar give them an update
@00:34:52 been fooled again by a pointing bar our
@00:34:55 gold bar bar gold garv bar fee says you

Deep state

@00:23:40 president down we talked about the deep
@00:23:42 state there are players now even
@00:26:38 the deep state or it's something that we


@00:10:53 nunez okay so you get this twitter and
@00:30:11 like twitter you know delete your
@00:30:13 twitter delete your youtube delete your
@00:31:48 the next post 3125 it's a twitter status
@00:38:45 twitter and you can read his articles on

false flag

@00:44:11 armies false flag attacks cia spies that


@00:23:19 the we haven't seen the fisa
@00:40:59 fisa the 16 year plan to destroy america
@00:41:01 but what it's saying is the fisa is just


@00:33:26 update on it from hubert no we're in