Is Q A PsyOp? Conspiracy Label via Hollyweird

from Amazing Polly


Human trafficking

@00:00:53 being given to countries where human
@00:00:56 trafficking takes place or why are they


@00:00:56 trafficking takes place or why are they


@00:05:02 gotta mention them that's isaac cappy i
@00:06:52 i see how isaac capi has absorbed what
@00:08:29 and the isaac cappy stuff does get eyes

Pizza gate

@00:04:45 they're gonna go oh that crazy pizza
@00:04:47 gate thing up until this week that's all
@00:08:25 bit of a fine line stuff like pizza gate
@00:08:58 constantly writing about pizza gate well


@00:00:40 unglamorous parts about fisa abuses and


@00:03:48 always putting faith in flynn rogers