Due to Pizzagate and Vault 7, Beware of a False Flag UFO Disclosure

from Destroying the Illusion


Human trafficking

@00:07:48 pedophile pizza gate human trafficking


@00:07:48 pedophile pizza gate human trafficking

Deep state

@00:01:20 talking about the corruption of the deep
@00:01:22 state and all this stuff but i don't see
@00:03:05 government the cabal the deep state the
@00:05:06 be the last one that the deep state

false flag

@00:00:47 try and pull and that is the false flag
@00:03:13 false flag alien disclosure or a partial
@00:05:03 he said that alien false flag card would
@00:05:18 to pull that alien false flag in his
@00:05:32 and to be warned about this false flag


@00:07:48 pedophile pizza gate human trafficking

Pizza gate

@00:01:42 that into all the pizza gay pedo gate
@00:01:55 the vault 7 and pizza gate stuff is new
@00:03:35 pizza gate and pedal gate and everything
@00:06:40 on all the pizza gate stuff which most
@00:07:48 pedophile pizza gate human trafficking
@00:08:00 pizza gate stuff but with everything
@00:09:06 pizza gate issue which a lot of people