Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 223

from X22Report



@00:01:08 russia china turkey saudi arabia and
@00:01:37 report that china has raised red flags
@00:13:05 playing out now china is increasing its
@00:13:40 china sea between south korea and taiwan
@00:14:05 the pacific because china russia north


@00:11:27 document codename treasury map and this
@00:11:37 map of the global internet system it's
@00:11:51 entire map and this is what they're
@00:11:56 that treasury map is a sophisticated
@00:12:22 can map any device anywhere anytime in


@00:14:07 korea iran syria they understand what


@00:13:35 website and a state media a twitter

false flag

@00:16:17 false flag event i mean you can see what
@00:17:57 building up to the next false flag they

North Korea

@00:14:05 the pacific because china russia north
@00:14:07 korea iran syria they understand what

Saudi Arabia

@00:01:08 russia china turkey saudi arabia and