"Silence Is Golden"- Q Returns, Honks At Patriots, Drops New Proofs!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:10:51 and 1515 b andrew mccabe is gonna be


@00:10:04 jane james comey we've heard about this
@00:10:32 comey hillary secretary of state former


@00:05:03 answer is jeff sessions guys and define
@00:08:51 sessions as well as the as the fbi
@00:14:25 whole strategy that jeff sessions has
@00:14:37 jeff sessions his plan is unfolding
@00:15:38 obviously is that jeff sessions

Deep state

@00:07:52 the democrats and the deep state failing
@00:12:53 know that deep deep state the clowns are


@00:03:47 they the trunk twitter account and the
@00:06:40 twitter so something big is coming up
@00:06:43 here we go twitter again and jack dorsey
@00:16:43 including a twitter feed from nbc
@00:23:43 a link to twitter and it sends us to
@00:25:43 q points you to the twitter account


@00:14:57 does freedom of information cover fisa
@00:15:12 redacted fisa page how did that happen
@00:15:33 fisa application and you know my guess
@00:15:48 order for us to even see this fisa


@00:05:00 who does huber report to directly the
@00:08:58 honorable john huber united states
@00:16:07 huber where we go one we go all


@00:23:40 as if you needed any more proof here is