1.12 - DNC Lawsuit/Assange/Pentagon Audit/Area 51 & ET Stones

from Destroying the Illusion


Las Vegas

@00:12:36 airline that goes between las vegas and


@00:03:16 fox news reporting that an x soros
@00:03:35 against soros and those affiliated with
@00:03:38 soros and just look at that guy man he's
@00:03:54 x soros financier so more dues leaking
@00:03:59 know fox news reporting on george soros


@00:08:34 with the us well what about imran awan


@00:07:53 so of course attorney general sessions
@00:08:12 hezbollah but of course jeff sessions

Deep state

@00:07:03 wars against deep state proxies just for


@00:04:14 talked to some twitter employees and
@00:04:19 occurred there was one of the twitter
@00:04:38 there so there's that i mean twitter has

Seth Rich

@00:05:22 seth rich evidence can no longer be
@00:05:44 indication that my seth rich evidence


@00:11:36 programs or deep underground military
@00:13:50 underground bases elsewhere but it's