deleted Captain Roy D , White hats Swamp creatures & QAnon: A Who's Who of Spy gate

from Dustin Nemos



@00:09:57 course we beat the the andy mccabe deep

Deep state

@00:00:47 situation some of the the deep state of
@00:09:57 course we beat the the andy mccabe deep
@00:09:58 state narrative book but have you


@00:09:40 on youtube and facebook and twitter and

Seth Rich

@00:08:55 seth rich story comes true that's one


@00:15:31 mexico to begin with he was


@00:14:33 course to general michael flynn the book
@00:14:38 general flynn but it did make the copy
@00:17:04 dedicated this book to flynn just like
@00:17:11 flynn or copyright flynn and stuff you
@00:17:14 from flynn so you know do you still feel
@00:20:14 cause the the general flynn on the back


@00:08:58 proof in the book i mean we have it up