In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 5.10.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:02:56 china the organization also owns


@00:04:29 approximately 3,000 tonnes of uranium
@00:05:38 from such classic metal hits as uranium
@00:05:42 one uranium one is a global energy
@00:05:46 uranium producers with a diverse
@00:05:59 elsewhere as a leading uranium producer
@00:06:01 uranium one is committed to the highest
@00:06:06 to have clean uranium the health and
@00:06:14 operates uranium one is a wholly owned
@00:06:29 bought uranium one all right
@00:09:25 uranium in iser by john excuse me
@00:09:36 mining uranium ore in the nike chevon
@00:09:53 uranium ore and that the soil is
@00:09:57 enriched uranium the paper also argued
@00:10:40 reaching out with a lot of uranium where
@00:10:41 they get that uranium they got it from
@00:10:43 us that was our uranium now everybody's
@00:10:45 using our uranium they're building a
@00:13:30 with all this uranium they got a matter
@00:14:34 wrapped up with the uranium one they
@00:14:39 uranium and then they bought the company
@00:14:40 okay and uranium one is is still a


@00:00:08 what are you gonna do if iran starts up
@00:00:14 would advise iran not to start their
@00:00:39 the iran news and happy
@00:00:51 right here to iran daily calm roza tom
@00:00:55 had to visit iran an iranian delegation
@00:01:00 energy organization of iran a eoi
@00:01:23 president vladimir putin's trip to iran
@00:01:29 russia iran azerbaijan meeting likhachev
@00:01:44 from iran and russia met in moscow to
@00:01:53 iran nuclear deal okay well before we
@00:01:57 talk about rosa tom visiting to iran
@00:02:02 atomic energy organization of iran the
@00:02:09 energy organization of iran a eoi has
@00:02:40 the companies iran used for secret
@00:02:50 iran with access to foreign nuclear
@00:03:14 una basi divani announced that iran has
@00:03:31 organization of iran and incidentally if
@00:06:49 to iran which is scheduled for november
@00:08:30 company of iran nppd
@00:09:03 rosa tom you've got now this axed iran
@00:09:08 deal and now you've got iran and russia
@00:09:33 on 26 march 2002 that iran is covertly
@00:09:41 according to unidentified sources iran
@00:09:55 transferred to iran and processed into
@00:10:00 that iran plans to make nuclear weapons
@00:10:07 there with the trilateral russia iran
@00:10:17 on tuesday delegations from iran and
@00:10:26 new prospects under the iran nuclear
@00:10:32 it's it's fair to say that iran could be
@00:10:56 iran nuclear deal there has to be
@00:10:57 because the iran nuclear deal basically
@00:11:31 organization of iran a eeo i hopes that
@00:11:54 deal saying technically iran is king is
@00:12:15 not just a slogan that iran resumed its
@00:13:35 egypt iran and turkey are all to sign
@00:13:53 armenia belarus egypt iran and turkey

false flag

@00:02:59 numerous front and false-flag companies

North Korea

@00:16:44 north korea the hostages returning which