deleted How this Ends: Hillary & Obama in Prison.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:09:00 michael horowitz does his job people


@00:06:04 if i were james comey andrew mccain


@00:06:07 peters struck brennan clapper i wouldn't


@00:06:04 if i were james comey andrew mccain


@00:05:01 indictments and that all these people
@00:05:12 there will be indictments it will be an

William Barr

@00:01:31 bar just seems full of surprises
@00:02:26 theory and playing that bar is lying to
@00:02:48 bar that was foolish of them because bar
@00:03:17 barr wasn't done ruining the democrats
@00:04:05 deluding home because bar is going to be
@00:04:42 let's see what bar can do this one is
@00:06:22 bill barr is going to get to the bottom
@00:08:57 general william bar does his job and

Deep state

@00:04:27 standing up to the deep state even
@00:06:40 is this is not just our deep state here


@00:01:06 everybody this signed off on the fisa is
@00:05:36 correct it just fisa abuse alone those