This will never happen again. Transparency & Prosecution the ONLY WAY FORWARD

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:19:21 later replaced andrew mccabe as the
@00:26:42 andy mccabe as deputy director and he's
@00:28:59 paige andrew mccabe mark i can't say


@00:00:30 post 26 89 it is we've seen this map
@00:00:34 before it's the map where illegal
@00:04:14 the map here you can see that where they
@00:04:42 sometimes the map helps he says well


@00:17:40 the day that comey sent a letter to
@00:18:03 call asap about the comey letter baker
@00:19:15 director james comey since fired then
@00:19:39 comey fbi intelligence analyst jonathan
@00:23:28 charge comey tells us top aides to be
@00:26:31 sent to then director james comey fired
@00:27:05 rebecky former chief of staff to comey
@00:28:55 investigation you got comey rebecky lisa
@00:32:02 that comey had with all these people

William Barr

@00:40:58 trips for the national bar association

Deep state

@00:44:43 deep state but he wasn't he's talking


@00:32:51 look at this twitter status here which i
@00:37:20 on twitter

Seth Rich

@00:02:50 it was seth rich it wasn't russians and


@00:44:57 brings up in 2702 one-minute time delta

Inspector General

@00:35:26 the inspector general for odie and i


@00:39:18 known go-between students present fisa
@00:39:26 the hops guys i got a fisa on him he's


@00:45:01 q posted first yet another q proof so
@00:45:10 another q proof nice work team he says