deleted 1.19.19 - As Q Predicted, 5Eyes Coming Out

from Dustin Nemos



@00:01:30 china russia us and others and they'll

William Barr

@00:06:21 the top bar there 417 a month you get a

Deep state

@00:00:58 deep state global network is sharing all


@00:04:23 twitter and then you know tippy-top and
@00:04:38 forth on twitter happened and it happens

Five Eyes

@00:01:04 article is about five eyes and new
@00:01:38 these five eyes countries this is
@00:02:17 said new zealand was one of the five
@00:02:18 eyes there involved in this country's
@00:03:05 10th of 2018 he says five eyes is very
@00:03:12 five eyes now it had already been in the
@00:05:20 let folks know five eyes is almost fair