deleted 4.25.20 - Covid19 Falls apart, Fake News & Deep State Ignore and Push Fear

from Dustin Nemos



@00:03:45 china has continued to run a global
@00:04:08 origins in china in part by blaming the
@00:04:56 that for a week at least now after china
@00:05:08 on china a vital trading partner wow and
@00:12:33 warned china was sending us contaminated
@00:28:16 down travel to and from china these are

Bill Gates

@00:06:59 bill gates says until we get our chip to
@00:18:06 false predictions given to them by bill
@00:18:08 gates and they ignored all the other
@00:18:10 models except for bill gates model


@00:02:00 on government coronavirus disinformation
@00:10:42 with the corona virus itself two states
@00:11:57 trying to insert corona virus into my
@00:13:30 working on positive coronavirus samples
@00:14:09 me so top dhs official corona virus dies
@00:19:07 this is about the coronavirus and and


@00:09:13 recently george soros funded media
@00:17:07 soros for that taking us down for a

Deep state

@00:13:48 that the way the deep start the the deep
@00:13:50 state really works and we know that


@00:18:59 are being damaged by vaccines but she's
@00:19:04 because this isn't just about vaccines
@00:19:09 the people behind the vaccines like the
@00:20:05 formaldehyde the these mandated vaccines


@00:13:42 to that i can't view proof or anything