HRC, Obama & Pizza Gate, Trump's Position on Vaccines, How Barr Can Intervene in Flynn Case

from dnajlion7


Bill Gates

@00:12:05 state players as bill gates and the rest


@00:21:48 coronavirus disease koba 19 and i do


@00:05:38 trafficking if her indictment is
@00:05:46 trafficking and i believe that why
@00:06:02 involved in child sex trafficking and
@00:06:08 trafficking i still maintain and that's
@00:06:24 been involved in child sex trafficking
@00:06:41 that the child sex trafficking i think
@00:18:22 involved in child sex trafficking


@00:02:34 like a comey or a clapper or any of this
@00:02:38 out there that saying james comey and
@00:02:50 awaking i'm sorry but comey or clap or

William Barr

@00:15:20 department of justice bill bar needs to
@00:16:59 dismissal so attorney general bar has
@00:17:23 mike pence into the search bar of my

Deep state

@00:09:22 law he's really part of the deep state
@00:12:01 he is not on the same page as the deep
@00:12:05 state players as bill gates and the rest
@00:12:23 the deep state players and their agenda
@00:15:12 himself as a complete and total deep
@00:15:15 state stooge
@00:18:02 trafficker he's a deep state stooge and
@00:21:03 deep state released kovat 19 and got


@00:20:34 posted today where q posted a twitter


@00:10:30 questioning vaccines you may also be
@00:11:15 vaccines and he said something very
@00:11:18 interesting about vaccines and kovat 19
@00:12:30 is not for mandated vaccines and he's
@00:12:58 military to impose vaccines no he's not
@00:13:26 act to force mandated vaccines that'll


@00:18:00 a satanic pedophile he's a child sex

Pizza gate

@00:04:48 of course is code in the in the pizza
@00:04:50 gate lingo it's code for little boys if


@00:13:48 flynn case here she put out another
@00:14:35 who totally betrayed flynn didn't do
@00:15:55 court directing the charge against flynn
@00:17:12 back when this whole flynn thing
@00:17:18 flynn lied to me about all this stuff we
@00:19:19 flynn way back in 2017 and now there's