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from Dustin Nemos



@00:33:49 travel restrictions on china and put in
@00:34:24 from china and other hotspots as a
@00:35:30 monitoring the situation in china and
@00:40:34 action on china now we must take the
@00:43:02 virus outbreak that started in china and
@00:44:14 on china and put in place the first
@00:45:18 in china and is now spreading throughout
@00:46:26 travel restrictions on china and put in
@00:47:02 from china and other hotspots as a
@00:48:07 monitoring the situation in china and
@00:53:11 action on china now we must take the


@00:35:53 coronavirus treatments extend insurance
@00:38:28 corona virus i will be asking congress
@00:39:33 corona virus effective immediately the
@00:42:59 unprecedented response to the corona
@00:45:15 the corona virus outbreak that started
@00:48:30 coronavirus treatments extended surance
@00:51:05 corona virus i will be asking congress
@00:52:10 corona virus effective immediately the


@00:36:24 support vaccines treatments and
@00:48:59 fight the virus and support vaccines