deleted Live Chat Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE

from Dustin Nemos



@00:31:40 his asthma and mccabe and and call me


@00:26:28 the weiner laptop and the epstein case
@00:27:50 has epstein blackbook yeah i think they
@00:28:24 of bad stuff that happened on epstein
@00:29:34 who thinks epstein did not have a dead
@00:30:08 epstein and let him out of jail in that


@00:14:06 from from you know south africa or iran


@00:23:12 coronavirus with their jobs and their
@00:24:33 between coronavirus and flopping between
@00:29:50 planned the coronavirus that far back
@00:30:04 because of coronavirus so why didn't
@00:31:37 coronavirus cases he despite his age and

William Barr

@00:28:18 of it and i'm sure that ag bar and trump
@00:43:22 censored man on youtube period bar none

Deep state

@00:09:00 deep state is down to they're down to
@00:26:13 territory from the deep state we fired
@00:26:18 assuming that the deep state didn't
@00:36:51 some deep state generals out there and
@00:41:46 called detox the deep state so you know


@00:07:15 checkmark from harvard and twitter
@00:07:58 hashtags on twitter and other social
@00:11:38 time if you're using twitter or facebook
@00:12:23 have to exit exiting twitter in mass so
@00:22:41 twitter poll that says would you prefer
@00:22:50 trend on twitter up to four million five
@00:22:53 million and then twitter gets rid of it
@00:30:37 twitter to you know the pranking i saw a


@00:33:55 pedophile thing because i saw the
@00:34:08 pedophile rumors he was legitimately


@00:36:54 general flynn coming back under the sort


@00:34:26 just saying that that was the only proof