[10.17] Live - Twitter, YouTube, and now Amazon issues! - My Censorship Experiences

from Destroying the Illusion


Deep state

@00:02:33 reserve in the beginning of the deep
@00:02:36 state kind of clapped down in this
@00:16:54 combating any sort of deep state any
@00:21:29 means we're waking up too fast deep
@00:21:32 state be like they're waking up too


@00:03:10 what's going on with twitter youtube and
@00:03:23 when twitter was putting out all sorts
@00:03:33 twitter the twitter ceo and he said that
@00:05:11 whether facebook twitter and other
@00:07:31 twitter granted on twitter people try to
@00:07:34 hack my twitter account all the time i
@00:07:39 into my twitter account but i've never
@00:07:41 been banned from twitter sensor from
@00:07:43 twitter


@00:12:38 parkland thing you know and they


@00:02:19 began by getting into vaccines and i was
@00:17:15 health they attack vaccines they attack
@00:18:06 vaccines and when it comes to space you

Seth Rich

@00:10:51 algorithm you know sometimes if say seth
@00:10:55 rich or certain false flags are blowing