Entire Floor At D.C Federal Courthouse Sealed Off For Grand Jury Case?!

from TRUreporting



@00:03:17 maps itself the listing of it on the map


@00:10:52 clintons ran a trafficking ring in a

Spirit cooking

@00:10:29 oval office just so much the spirit
@00:10:32 cooking marina abramovic all of this


@00:01:08 also please follow me on twitter and
@00:16:37 follow me on twitter you can also donate

Pizza gate

@00:00:25 the whole pizza gate stuff coming out
@00:00:35 through the entire pizza gate and the
@00:01:27 know the the story of pizza gate so if
@00:01:42 online investigation known as pizza gate
@00:03:33 this guy posted unbelievable a pizza
@00:03:36 gate researcher named ryan o'neal
@00:04:38 evidence surrounding pizza gate has been
@00:06:02 pizza gate stuff i was wondering if i
@00:10:12 attempting to make him out to be pizza
@00:10:14 gate can be debunked so can't be
@00:10:17 debunked excuse me pizza gate can't be
@00:10:55 non-existent basement of a pizza shop
@00:11:01 pizza gate is
@00:11:36 the pizza gate doubters actually looked