deleted Qanon May 21, 2018 - If Rod Rosenstein is the Problem, is Trey Gowdy the Solution?

from prayingmedic



@00:00:59 kennedy that those are initials full
@00:04:09 as i said q posted john f kennedy jfk


@00:07:25 said hey anons let's map this out if


@00:10:59 dirty they're both wrapped up in uranium


@00:00:20 rosenstein jeff sessions and dan coates
@00:01:49 has direct oversight of muller sessions
@00:07:05 choose or jeff sessions could choose
@00:08:34 general that we can trust sessions and
@00:09:05 q row trust sessions tg trey gowdy

Deep state

@00:10:10 investigation is turning toward the deep
@00:10:13 state the cabal
@00:10:25 the deep state and in the clinton cabal
@00:11:16 the deep state was confident that they
@00:11:44 place peep someone that the deep state

Inspector General

@00:04:34 inspector general to expand its current


@00:09:50 join john huber on the prosecutors team