Latest Anti-Q Op Self Implodes With Catastrophic Blunder!

from Truth and Art TV


Deep state

@00:01:53 and so tangible that the deep state went
@00:02:33 do the deep state wants to replace trump
@00:12:50 and in summary we know that the deep
@00:12:54 state is on the run they're trying
@00:13:02 deep state agents and these deep state
@00:13:11 seen the deep state try every technique
@00:16:49 deep state and that goes with this
@00:16:55 the theme here is you have the deep
@00:16:58 state going back into withdrawal
@00:17:32 times by deep state operatives and you
@00:18:14 of the deep state and this mueller
@00:19:45 man who deep state used to set up
@00:19:56 desperate the deep state is to silence
@00:20:08 deep state is eager to silence those who
@00:21:41 for the national anthem so this the deep
@00:21:44 state is afraid is a battle cry and
@00:29:05 working on on it many of the deep state


@00:08:39 image on donald trump's twitter account
@00:09:04 at donald trump's twitter account but
@00:17:47 cassandra on twitter

Mass arrests

@00:13:28 summoned and all we have mass arrests


@00:03:32 that's pouring out actual documents fisa
@00:31:36 the memes ready the memes fisa
@00:31:55 ready ready the memes fisa corruption so
@00:32:03 guessing right as to when the fisa


@00:19:12 flynn and people like paul manafort
@00:20:11 were targeted people like flynn and mana


@00:31:06 just posted showing you the proof so