Decoding Trump's Tweets From Last Night! [ Hussien ] 5:5

from TRUreporting



@00:05:14 you can go to cue map pub and pull up


@00:06:24 hamburgers walnut sauce all these sorts

Deep state

@00:00:33 deep state and we will get into that
@00:02:13 a message to the deep state and i'm
@00:08:21 the deep state saying that i'm well
@00:08:47 i'm sure either the deep state is trying


@00:01:32 follow me on twitter at true reporting
@00:03:24 twitter and even within hand gestures
@00:12:45 twitter at true reporting and don't

false flag

@00:04:04 stands for false flag and hamburgers why
@00:08:06 referencing back to the fast food false
@00:08:12 flag i believe that he is saying loud
@00:08:27 warned of a false flag president trump


@00:10:07 pedophile and anton say holy crap he's