deleted Q Anon July 6 - 13 Angry Democrats

from prayingmedic



@00:13:20 and horowitz they are investigating


@00:03:41 mccabe no name is senator john mccain
@00:08:18 it's probably mccabe so paul posted this


@00:03:41 mccabe no name is senator john mccain
@00:04:04 mccain would be one but he hates the

Human trafficking

@00:07:04 started the drops regarding human
@00:07:06 trafficking and sacrifices yet and in
@00:09:55 be involved in human trafficking human


@00:07:06 trafficking and sacrifices yet and in
@00:09:55 be involved in human trafficking human


@00:03:48 brod rosenstein susan rice john brennan


@00:03:38 comey james clapper chuck schumer andrew
@00:11:42 jc james comey gmail they all had them


@00:13:25 be bringing indictments and impaneling


@00:00:16 threads on twitter he asked me if i
@00:00:49 twitter
@00:14:41 this message from a follower on twitter
@00:14:57 trump's twitter again came across people
@00:15:17 browsing your videos and twitter feed
@00:15:58 i am following him on twitter and i did

Inspector General

@00:05:19 inspector general report in june this is
@00:05:23 from the inspector general report page
@00:06:04 out in the inspector general report in

North Korea

@00:02:10 meet with north korea in the nuclear
@00:08:42 departure think north korea many drafts
@00:10:03 traveled to north korea to set up some


@00:13:18 coordination between john huber in utah
@00:13:23 looking into all of this and huber will