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from Dustin Nemos



@00:04:03 earlier today china and russia and all
@00:05:29 recently especially russia and china and


@00:02:07 us to war with iran so we can we can
@00:02:09 dive into the iran issue tonight for
@00:03:46 people brought up iran so what's about
@00:03:51 to happen with iran i imagine is some
@00:04:10 invade iran now i don't know if if that
@00:04:16 back iran out but they're making all the
@00:04:32 have the fact that iran just abandoned
@00:38:03 about iran and the dollar falling and


@00:07:51 or just on twitter if we work together
@00:41:34 twitter or whoever it was that decided
@00:41:38 lawsuits on twitter just kind of

Field McConnell

@00:28:19 i haven't not spoken to field mcconnell


@00:07:33 the initial proof of concept and and