Quiet No Longer - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 12.3.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:20:10 investigation into comey and whatnot so


@00:07:22 on twitter that that's actually like an
@00:13:09 real enemy well the twitter status takes
@00:13:14 twitter
@00:21:52 cruise you through some posts on twitter
@00:22:48 on twitter and of course most of it is
@00:26:02 i'm still on twitter if you want to join


@00:04:18 identification delta 1 meaning 1 minute
@00:04:21 later delta meeting later ok
@00:06:14 second confirmation the 1-minute delta

false flag

@00:19:28 forms whether it's a false flag event

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:20:25 saw it with ruth bader ginsburg who by

Inspector General

@00:16:53 inspector general report into trump's


@00:19:00 the fisa is almost worse because you


@00:03:45 so any time we see aq proof for those of
@00:15:07 cue proof here this is another picture