In Pursuit of Truth Presents - New Q Anon - 6.11.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:12:57 could it be james comey andrew mccabe
@00:12:59 number two andrew mccabe loretta lynch
@00:16:32 deputy director andrew mccabe three


@00:02:40 export trace from china mexico to long
@00:24:55 these were going from china to long
@00:24:59 sense wouldn't it china mexico long
@00:28:12 our china mexico long beach connection


@00:04:07 tree grove here's the googly map okay
@00:17:49 googly map here as you can see in the
@00:18:04 bay now my map never updates because


@00:12:57 could it be james comey andrew mccabe
@00:15:52 comey and this is from your
@00:16:31 james comey and of course the number-two

Deep state

@00:05:56 now is for the deep state the deep
@00:07:33 time for the deep state to make a
@00:07:51 the clock is on for the deep state
@00:07:53 what's the deep state gonna do but we're
@00:10:40 it's fantastic for exposing the deep
@00:10:43 state which is more importantly i think
@00:12:49 we're offering the deep state sort of an
@00:16:21 the deep state we've seen that and all
@00:17:09 clock and this is really the deep state


@00:20:59 twitter and this is from a collection i

false flag

@00:03:20 27 minutes after the hour of 11:00 false
@00:03:25 flag weather alert worldwide stay
@00:30:43 of 11:00 false flag weather alert world
@00:31:31 a false flag and then it's gonna be

North Korea

@00:30:58 event related to north korea


@00:02:40 export trace from china mexico to long
@00:24:59 sense wouldn't it china mexico long
@00:28:12 our china mexico long beach connection


@00:11:17 rothschild and who knows maybe the


@00:06:27 posts remember q did a a proof pic of