Interview With Dahboo7 - 5.15.2014

from X22Report



@00:11:58 all the way from china down through the
@00:12:01 south china sea into the indian ocean
@00:12:17 wartime situation china is going to have
@00:12:21 china sea they're not going to be able
@00:13:03 had to get on board so china gets mad at
@00:13:30 all over the region china has only been
@00:14:42 the region the china has is north korea
@00:14:47 surrounding them plus china continued to
@00:23:22 china but it's just amazing to me how we
@00:34:18 technology from china and it seems like
@00:34:52 all of china you know i'm saying like
@00:35:12 take out china i mean do it from your

false flag

@00:36:12 false flag event happening here in the


@00:00:37 77 and he also has a website underground
@00:32:20 anything in the summertime underground

North Korea

@00:14:42 the region the china has is north korea


@00:05:56 there more proof they couldn't even use