1.7 - Q Unloads/Planes&Trains/Police Pedos Arrested/Science Rethinks Physics

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:16:11 foundations and institute's the mccain


@00:18:21 china they still don't know why this


@00:09:53 iran at least in context there i can't
@00:10:05 in iran were hitting hitting the fan
@00:10:12 unmarked planes fleeing iran and it
@00:18:06 and speaking of iran remember we had the
@00:18:09 former iran prime or president a medina
@00:18:31 surrounding iran right now i want to


@00:15:01 deep feel sick yet think george soros


@00:12:28 is tied to the awan scandal not a

Deep state

@00:16:49 were the actual deep state but remember
@00:22:56 what distractions the deep state is
@00:23:32 i'd imagine that the deep state is
@00:23:46 these things blowing up in the deep
@00:23:48 state face they're gonna need a good
@00:25:05 trying it the deep state is trying to
@00:26:06 deep state media outlets anymore you


@00:04:12 anybody tells you that q has a twitter
@00:08:02 twitter i'm assuming it's personal
@00:08:04 twitter and then we'll go through a


@00:00:43 video i posted this morning on vaccines
@00:17:39 cells for the vaccines to make them

false flag

@00:25:23 this is the idea of a false flag sigh


@00:19:36 badge has a pedophile symbol on it keep


@00:14:54 underground military bases has this

Inspector General

@00:14:14 inspector general report come out of the

Saudi Arabia

@00:05:31 foundation how much did saudi arabia
@00:05:36 believe one number i read of saudi
@00:05:38 arabia donating to the clinton
@00:05:41 and speaking of saudi arabia let's just
@00:05:49 saudi royals arrested for protesting
@00:05:56 saudi arabia and they were all arrested