Q ANON: New Latest Posts - "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM"
from JustInformed Talk ™️
uploaded on Mar 05, 2018
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
@00:02:55 the purge in saudi arabia was based on a
@00:03:01 the purge in saudi arabia was kind of
@00:03:20 saudi arabia basically and what that
@00:04:05 saudi arabia and it was of the elite
@00:05:32 worked his intention of going to saudi
@00:05:37 arabia i think what he did was of course
@00:05:45 saudi arabia he sat down with the the
@00:07:07 saudi arabia and it's 10,000 square
@00:10:32 you look at saudi arabia they've been at
@00:12:39 so this is a plan by saudi arabia and
@00:12:54 saudi arabia you know women are given
@00:15:13 other corner are saudi arabia egypt the