Q- "Why Did Hussein Attempt to Destroy Our Military?"

from Truth and Art TV



@00:20:49 playing into russia and iran hands it's


@00:09:59 sessions departure log kelly and mantas

Deep state

@00:07:49 a deep state in the mainstream media
@00:08:30 give it up this deep state operative
@00:18:47 we don't need troops in syria this deep
@00:18:52 state hack is saying back on april 19th
@00:19:09 you are a deep state pack these pack
@00:24:06 deep deep deep state and then q says


@00:20:10 twitter account talking about actions

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:13:43 but it after ruth bader ginsburg has
@00:14:29 talking about it is i will give ruth
@00:14:33 bader ginsburg one of my lungs if she
@00:15:47 ruth bader ginsburg voted against asylum